Residential Services

Cleveland Computer has provided quality computer support to northeastern Ohio residence for years. Our team of friendly, dedicated, and certified technicians is here to help. We specialize in affordable in-home and remote computer service. We can help you with all of your computer needs right in the comfort of your own home. We can frequently offer same-day, or next day service, and in some cases, we can connect to your computer remotely and resolve a problem right away. Call us today at 440-886-1888 and let us know what we can do for you.


Cleveland Computer offers:


On-Site Service and Support

$72 per Hour

Home Network Design, Installation, Configuration, and Support

$84 per Hour

Wireless Network Design, Installation, Configuration, and Support

$84 per Hour

Network Cabling

$84 per Hour

Remote Assistance

$60 per Hour

Virus and Malware Removal (via Remote Assistance)

$60 Fee

Virus and Malware Removal (In Shop)

$75 Fee 

Antivirus Software Subscriptions

$54 per Year

Computer Installation, Configuration, Repair, and Upgrades

$72 per Hour

Computer Optimization

$60 Fee

Operating System Reload Without Data Preservation

$150 Fee

Operating System Reload With Data Preservation

$200 Fee

New and Used Computers

Per Quote

Computer and Network Accessories

Per Quote

Data Backup Solutions          (Visit our Backup Shop.)

Starting at under $60

Data Recovery

Per Quote

Computer Training

$60 per Hour

Internet Connectivity Services

Per Quote

Internet Connectivity Installation and Service

$84 per Hour

Router Installation, Configuration, and Service

$84 per Hour

Web Content Filtering

Per Quote